
Class 9 | SCIENCE | Annual Exam Guess paper


                        Annual Examination

Class : IX                      Subject :Science                                          Time. 03 Hours

                                                                              M.M. – 50    Set: B

General Instructions:- 

Section-A [Physics]

two marks questions

Q.1 The speed of sound in water is 1500 metres per second .How far away from an under sea-rock should a deep sea diver be so that he can hear his own echo.

Q.2 For how long should a force of 100N act on a body of 20kg so that it acquires a velocity of 100m/s.


Three marks questions

Q.1 Derive the formula s=ut +2 and v2=u2+2as, where the symbols have usual meanings.                           

Q.2 The velocity of a body of mass 10kg increases from 4m/s to 8m/s when a force acts on it for 2s.

       (a) What is the momentum before the force acts?

      (b) What is the gain in momentum per second?

      (c) What is the value of the force?

Q.3  (a) When do we say that work is done? Write the formula for the work done by a body in moving up    against gravity .Give the meaning of each symbol which occurs in it.

        (b) How much work is done when a force of 2N moves a body through a distance of 10cm in the direction of force?

five marks questions

Q.4  (a)  Is the acceleration due to gravity of earth ‘g’ constant? Discuss.                                                (2+3)

        (b)  Calculate the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of a satellite having a mass of 7.4×1022 kg and a radius of 1.74×106m (G=6.7×10-11Nm2/kg2). Which satellite do you think it could be?

Q. 5 (a) What do you understand by the kinetic energy of the body?                                                  (1+2+2)

        (b) A body is thrown vertically upwards .Its velocity goes on decreasing .What happens to its kinetic energy as its velocity becomes zero?

        (c) A horse and a dog are running with the same speed .If the weight of the horse is ten times that of the dog, what is the ratio of their kinetic energies?

Practical based question

 Q.6 If on a round trip you travel 6km and then arrive back home:

      (a) what is the total distance travelled?

     (b) What is the resultant displacement?

Q.7  Draw the sketches of two waves A and b such that wave A has twice the wavelength and half the amplitude of wave B.

Section-B [Chemistry]

Q.1-Three  marks  long answer type questions-                                                                                 (3x3=9 marks)

a)  i- why  ice floats over surface of  water ?Explain.

    ii-which gas is called dry ice ? why?

iii-Define latent heat of vaporization ?

b) i-State the law of conservation of mass with example?

    ii-Define valency . State the  formation of chemical formula of following compound using their ions:

    1-Magnesium hydroxide             2-Ammonium sulphate

c) Write the observation and conclusion of Rutherford scattering model?

Q.2-Five marks  very long answer type questions-                                                                          (5x1=5 marks)

 a) i-Define solubility? A solution contain 30 gm of sodium chloride in240 gm of water.Find the       ( 3+2)        

        concentration of solution?       

ii-Suggest the separation techniques for the following-

1-Mercury and water

2-potassium chloride and ammonium chloride

3-common salt water and sand

4-kerosene oil and water

b) i-Find out the molecular mass of following compounds-                                                              ( 3+2)        

1-H2 SO4    2-CaCl2     3-C6H12O6   (C=12, Cl=35.5,H=1,O=16,S=32 Ca=40)

ii-calculate the mass of 0.2 mol of water?

Q.3-Two  marks  value based questions-

a)Explain Tyndall effect ?

b)Give any two example of colloid and suspension?

Section-C [Biology]

One marks                                               

1.)Name any two disease which are caused due to unprotected sexual intercourse.?

2.Name the type of nutrient that we get from mustard seed and linseed.?

Two marks

1.Which part of our body are composed of nervous tissue  name the cells  that make it?s

Three marks

1.Name the organs of  the body where the following microbes attack –

a) HIV   b) malaria c) virus causing Japanese encephalitis

2. Mention three agricultural method which can be adopted for a sustainable livelihood  

Five marks

1.)    List any five differences between prokaryotic and a eukaryotic terms of size, chromosomes and cell orgenells.

2.)    Epithelial tissue is a protective tissue .which is present larynx.?

Practical based 2marks

1.)Name the muscles which are also called skeletal muscles .mention any three features of the cells of this tissue.?

2.)Which parts  of  our body are composed of nervous tissue.? Name the same as complex organisms.?







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