


          Sub: Computer
         Half  Yearly Examination





Time- 40 Minutes

 Total Marks - 40




Section A carries 1 mark for each question.

Section B carries 2 marks for each question.


                 SECTION A

Choose the correct option:-                                                                   

1.   MS DOS is a ................... Based operating system.

 (A) GUI                 

 (B) CUI                              

 (C) both of these           

 (D) None of these

2.   Which of the following is a disk compressor utility?


(A)  AVG


(B)  Edubuntu


(C)  Quick Heal


(D)  WinRAR

3.   Which of the following is the latest version of windows.

(A) Windows 7                          

(B) Windows 8                        

(C) Windows 1.0                 

(D) Windows 10


4 . Which of these make horizontal divisions of the table ?

(A) Row                          

(B) Coloumn                            

(C) Cell                    

(D) All of these

5.  Find the odd one .

(A) Transistor                  

(B) Register                     

(C) Vacuum Tubes                 

(D) Integrated Circuit

6 .  Combining two or more cells in a single cell is called-

(A) Splitting cells

(B) Merging cells         

(C) resizing tables

(D) None of these

7 .  The term software was first used by -

(A) Charles Babbage           

(B) Herman Hollerith 

(C) John W. Tukey

(D) None of these

8.  ........................ also acts as the interface between Computer and user.


(A) Hardware


(B)  Operating system


(C)  Software


(D)  All of these

9.  Which is the shortcut key to select an entire table?

(A) Alt + F4

(B) Alt + 5                                 

(C) Ctrl + A                

(D) Ctrl + S

10.  Which is the shortcut key to paste the text at the new place?


(A)  Ctrl + X


(B)  Ctrl + C


(C)  Ctrl  + V


(D)  Shift + Del

             SECTION -B


11.  ........................... is a assembly level language.

 (A) C++            

 (B) Java                

 (C) FORTRAN     

 (D) None of these

12. When the first Integrated Circuit (IC) was built?


(A)  1940


(B)  1946


(C)  1952


(D)   1958

13.  Which of the following was the first fully electronic digital computer?

(A) Mark I                      

(B) EDVAC                    

(C) ENIAC             



14. Which is the shortcut key to open the font dialog box ?

(A) Ctrl + Shift + >                 

(B) Ctrl + T                    

(C) Ctrl + Shift + <           

(D) None of these

15.   Shadow effect is available in .................. group.

(A) Clipboard              

(B) Alignment                 

(C) Images           

(D) Font

                    SECTION B

16.         Write the shortcut key to delete the selected row and column from the table.

Shift+ D

17.        In which tab border and shading option is available?

Home tab

18.        Forming two or more cells in a single cell is called?

Splitting cell

19.        Write the other name of Folder.


20.        Write the one feature of windows 7.

Easy to use

21.        Write the shortcut key for copy the text and paste the text.

Ctrl + C

Ctrl + V

22.        A students whose name is Ram he wants to protect his computer from virus. Which software will you suggest to install for prevent Virus?

Antivirus Software

23.        Write the two example of Disk compressor.

7- Zip and IZArc

24.        What is binary language?

0 and 1 is called binary language.

25.        Which language was used in the first generation of computer






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