

Half  Yearly Examination





Time- 40 Minutes                                Total Marks - 40



Section A carries 1 mark for each question.

Section B carries 2 marks for each question.


                                        SECTION A

Choose the correct option:-                                                                   

1.          Computers are used to maintain record of Patients in the…………..

a)         Bank                                     

b)         School                                                  

c)          Hospital


2.          Which device is used to take printout from computer?

a)         Speaker                                              

b)         Printer                                                 

c)          CPU


3.          A mouse is an-------------------device.

a)         Output                                                

b)         Input                                                    

c)          Both a and b


4.          A computer cannot……………………….itself

a)         Decide or judge                                                               

b)         draw                                                                                     

c)          both

5.          Computer works on……………………….

a)         Food                                                                                     

b)         water                                                                                   

c)          electricity

6.          Computer can do many_____ at a time.

a)         Tasks                                                                                    

b)         mistakes                                                                                             

c)          faults    

7.          Computer does not _________ any information.

a)         Remember                                                                        

b)         forget                                                                                  

c)          store

8.          Computer are used for maintaining ________ records in offices.

a)         Salary                                                                                   

b)         leave                                                                                    

c)          both

9.          Computer are used at _____ for booking and printing of tickets

a)         Railway Stations                                                              

b)         Airport                                                                                 

c)          Both


10.      Computers are used in _____ for keeping list of items and printing bills

a)         Shops                                                                                   

b)         Bank                                                                                     

c)          Hospitals


                                            SECTION -B


11.      Recognize the picture the arrange them in order

11.      Recognize the picture the arrange them in order

a) CPU, Mouse, Keyboard, Monitor

b) Mouse, CPU, Monitor, Keyboard

c) CPU, Keyboard, Monitor, Mouse

d) Monitor, CPU, Mouse, Keyboard

12.      Identify the true statement:

a)         Calculations are performed in CPU

b)         CPU control all the functions of a computer

c)          CPU is the brain of the computer

d)         All the above

13.      A computer has many parts. There is one part of the computer which has resemblance with the T.V screen. Which one of the following parts of the computer looks like a television screen?

a)         CPU

b)         Monitor

c)          Keyboard

d)         Mouse

14.      Computer is very useful for us and has many important characteristics. Which one of the following is the important characteristic of a computer?

a)         It has friendly nature

b)         It shares happiness

c)          It provides accuracy

d)         You can share your sadness

15.      Every machine has certain features so as to computer Which one of the following is a basic feature of a computer?

a)         It can think

b)         It can work without electricity

c)          It can store information

d)         It can make its own decisions

16.      Which device helps us to draw pictures and is also used as a pointer on the monitor?

a)         CPU

b)         Keyboard

c)          Mouse

d)         Joystick

17.      A computer helps us to withdraw money from

a)         ATN

b)         ATM

c)          AND

d)         ADD

18.      Arrow key are used for moving the _______ on the screen.

a)         Type

b)         Mouse

c)          Cursor

d)         Key

19.      Which of the following is used to give space between words?

a)         Caps lock key

b)         Enter key

c)          Spacebar key

d)         Delete key

20.      Which of the following is not a function key?

a)         F1

b)         F2

c)          F9

d)         F25

21.      The computer helps in maintaining the accounts of _______ in banks.

a)         Books

b)         Customers

c)          Animals

d)         Robots

22.      Expand UPS

a)         Uniform Portable Series

b)         Universal port series

c)          Uninterrupted power supply

d)         User position State

23.      Which of the following are used to connect the different parts of a computer.

a)         Thread

b)         Data cable

c)          Copper wires

d)         Steel wire

24.      What does VDU stand for?

a)         Voltage display unit

b)         Virtual data Unit

c)          Variable data unit

d)         Visual display Unit

25.      Which of the following can be used to store information?

a)         CD Rom

b)         Keyboard

c)          Monitor

d)         printer



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