Annual Examination 2020

Class : 8                        Subject :science                     Time: 03:00 Hour

                                                                             M.M.  80      Set:A  

General Instructions:

·         The question paper comprises of three sections – A,B,C and D .You are to attempt all the questions

·         Question numbers 1,2 and 3 in section-A are one mark questions .They are to be answered in one word or one sentence.

·         Question number 4 in section-B is two marks questions .They are to be answered in 30 words each.

·         Question number 5 in section-C is three marks questions .They are to be answered in 30 to 50 words each.

·         Question number 6 in section-D is five marks questions .They are to be answered in 50 to 100 words each.



1.      Choose correct answer from the given options:                                          1×10=10                                   

                                i.            Separation of grains from the chaff is called  

(a)    winnowing (b) harvesting (c) separation (d) threshing

                              ii.            Which one of the following is not an example of fungus

(a)    spirogyra(b) yeast (c) mould  (d) mushroom

                            iii.            Which one of the following is a polyester fibre

(a)    rayon (b) terylene (c) nylon (d) acrylic

                            iv.            Which one of the following is a non-metal element

(a)    mercury (b) water (c) sulphur (d) carbon-di-oxide

                              v.            A non luminous flame appears

(a)    red (b) blue (c) white (d) pink

                            vi.            Which one of the following is not a fuel

(a)    glycerene  (b)  CNG (c)  LPG  (d) kerosene

                          vii.            The longest cell in the human body is

(a)    a nerve cell  (b)  a muscle cell  (c)  a white blood cell  (d)  both nerve cell and muscle cell

                        viii.            The list of threatened species of the world is stored in the

(a)    blue data book (b) threatened species book (c)  red data book (d) green data book

                            ix.            fertilization takes place in the

(a)     fallopian tube  (b)  uterus (c)  ovary  (d)  cervix

                              x.            20.95% of the air is

(a)    carbon-di-oxide   (b) oxygen  (c) nitrogen   (d) sulphur

2.      Fill in the blanks:                                                                                                 1×5=5                                   

                                i.            Scattering of seeds randomly in the field is known as ……

                              ii.            Terylene blended with cotton is called ……

                            iii.            Coke is obtained from ………….

                            iv.            ………. are the units of heredity.

                              v.            Thyroxine hormone is secreted by ….. gland .

3.      Write answers in very short:                                                                               1×5=5                                   

                                i.            What are the kinds of friction?

                              ii.            What is the SI unit of frequency?

                            iii.            Name the outermost layer of the earth.

                            iv.            Define light year.

                              v.            Name two pollutants of air pollution.



Section-B                                                                  2×11=22

4.      Write short answers for following:

                                i.            Write two beneficial uses of bacteria.

                              ii.            Define man-made fibres .Give examples.

                            iii.            Define global warming.

                            iv.            Write two functions of cell membrane.

                              v.            Write two effects of force.

                            vi.            Write two ways to reduce friction.

                          vii.            Explain one characteristic of vibrations.

                        viii.            What are conductors .Give  example.

                            ix.            List two uses of gold leaf electroscope.

                              x.            Write two differences between artificial satellite and natural satellite.

                            xi.            Write two harmful effects of water pollution.


Section-C                                                                    3×6=18                                       

5.      Answer the following short answered questions:

                                i.            Name the physical properties of metals .Briefly explain any one of them

                              ii.            What are the necessary conditions required for combustion .

                            iii.            What do you mean by AIDS ?Briefly explain.

                            iv.            Write two examples of pressure in everyday life.

                              v.            What are constellations ?Write name of some constellations.

                            vi.            What do you mean by dispersion of light ?Draw diagram to explain your answer.

Section-D                                             5×4=20 

6.      Answer the following long answered questions:                                                                                        

                             i.               Briefly explain: threatened species, endangered species and vulnerable   species.

                           ii.               Explain life cycle of a frog.

                         iii.               Draw a labelled structure of human ear and explain.

                         iv.               Draw a labelled structure of human eye and explain.


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