


Annual Examination 2020

Subject :science

Class :8                                                                                             M.M.  80  


General Instructions:

·         The question paper comprises of three sections – A,B,C and D .You are to attempt all the questions

·         Question numbers 1,2 and 3 in section-A are one mark questions .They are to be answered in one word or one sentence.

·         Question number 4 in section-B is two marks questions .They are to be answered in 30 words each.

·         Question number 5 in section-C is three marks questions .They are to be answered in 30 to 50 words each.

·         Question number 6 in section-D is five marks questions .They are to be answered in 50 to 100 words each.


1.      Choose correct answer from the given options:                                          1×10=10

                                i.            Which one of the following is not an example of kharif crop

(a)    rice (b) mustard (c) pulses (d) maize

                              ii.            Which of the following is a method of food preservation

(a)    boiling (b) canning (c) dehydration (d) all of these

                            iii.            Which of the following is a synthetic fibre

(a)    wool (b) cotton (c) nylon(d) silk

                            iv.            The nonmetal that is liquid at room temperature is

(a)    chlorine (b) bromine (c) oxygen (d) iodine

                              v.             Which of these has the highest carbon content

(a)    anthracite (b) bituminous coal (c) lignite (d) natural gas

                            vi.            The plants found in a particular region are known as the

(a)    fauna  (b) flora  (c) endangered species (a) endemic species of that region

                          vii.            Which poisonous gas is formed as a result of incomplete combustion

(a)    coal gas (b) carbon monoxide  (c) carbon dioxide (d) nitrogen oxide 

                        viii.            The organelle generally not seen in an animal cell is

(a)    a vacuole (b) a ribosome  (c) the cell wall  (d) mitochondria

                            ix.            Which of the following does not reproduce asexually

(a)    bacteria (b)  amoeba  (c)  fish  (d)  yeast

                              x.            The gas responsible for the depletion of ozone layer is

(a)    carbon dioxide (b) chloro fluoro carbon  (c) carbon monoxide   (d) nitrogen oxide


2.      Fill in the blanks:                                                                                             1×5=5


                                i.            Loosening and turning of soil is called ……..

                              ii.             ……… is also known as artificial silk .

                            iii.            The best variety of the coal is ……..

                            iv.            ………. is the structural and functional unit of life.

                              v.            AIDS is caused by the virus ……

3.      Write answer in very short:                                                                           1×5=5

                                i.            Write one effect of friction.

                              ii.            What is the SI unit of sound .

                            iii.            Name the inner most layer of the earth.

                            iv.            Name the planet which appears reddish in colour.

                              v.            Name one green house gas.


4.      Write short answers for following:                                                     2×11=22

                          i.                  Define Eutrophication.

                        ii.                  What do you mean by incineration?

                      iii.                  Write any two characteristics of an ideal fuel.

                      iv.                  What is cell sap?

                        v.                  Define balanced diet.

                      vi.                  Write any two ways to reduce friction.

                    vii.                  Write characteristics of vibrations.

                  viii.                  Briefly explain electroplating.

                      ix.                  What do you mean by lighting conductors?

                        x.                  Write two features of constellations.

                      xi.                  Define acid rain.

Section-C                                                      3×6=18

5.      Answer the following short answered question:

                                i.            Write one use of each:   gold ,silver and mercury.

                              ii.            Draw a labelled diagram to show different zones of a candle flame.

                            iii.            Briefly explain, why does pituitary gland is known as master gland?

                            iv.            Write three characteristic of image formed by plane mirror.

                              v.            What do you mean by atmospheric pressure ?Write its one use in daily life.

                            vi.            Briefly explain, why does meteors is known as shooting star?

Section-D                                                      5×4=18


6.      Answer the following long answered question:

                                i.            Write three causes of deforestation .Also write the ways to stop deforestation.

                              ii.            Explain: binary fission and budding.

                            iii.            Explain characteristic of sound in detail.

                            iv.            What do you mean by hypermetropia ?What are its causes?Also write, how to correct this defect?


                        Explain the main parts of eye.

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