


Periodic Assessment-II

                        Class: 7th                                         Subject:Science                      

      M.M.  30    Set: A 

General Instructions:

 The question paper has 10 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.

 Section ‘A’ carries 10 marks.

 Section ‘B’ carries 8 marks.

 Section ‘C’ carries 12 marks.

 Draw clean diagram where necessary.



Q.1 Fill in the blanks.              1×5=5

a)      During photosynthesis solar energy is captured by the pigment called ________.

b)      The largest gland in human body is ___________.

c)       _____________ indicator is reddish-brown in basic medium.

d)      The hotness of an object is determined by its ____________.

e)      Inferior quality of silk is also called ____________.

Q.2 Give answers of very short answer type questions.                  1×5=5

a)      Convert 40°C into °F.

b)      What is rusting of an iron?

c)       Name the elements that determine the weather of a place.

d)      Define soil erosion.

e)      What does an anemometer measure?

Section-B                               2×4=8

Give answers of short answer type questions:

Q.3 Draw a neat labeled diagram of human excretory system.


      Write a note on transpiration.

Q.4 Name the organs of breathing in the following animals:

a)      fish

b)      cockroach

Q.5 Explain the differences between self-pollination and cross-pollination.

Q.6 Write two limitations of sundial.

Section-C                               3×4=12

Give the answers of Long answer type questions:

Q.7 a car moves with a speed of 40km/h for 15 minutes and then with a speed of 60km/h for next 15 minutes .Find the total distance covered by car.


       Show the shape of distance-time graph for the motion in the following cases:

a)      a car moving with a constant speed.

b)      a car parked on the side road.

Q.8 Describe the functions of the following:

a)      stamens

b)      ovary

c)       pollen tube

Q.9 What planning is required in advance to deal with the situation created by a cyclone?

Q.10 The tropical rainforest has a large population of animals .Explain why it is so.


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