


Annual Examination
Class : I
Subject : EVS


M.M.  40




A. Tick the correct option.

(1 x 20 = 20)

1.    Choose the correct option

     Which of the following games will keep you physically fit?

a.    Cricket

b.    Ludo

c.     Computer games

    Answer: a

2. Choose the correct option

    How many hours should we sleep to remain healthy?

a.    4

b.    6

c.     8

d.    10

Answer: c

     3. Food help us to

a.    grow

b.    work

c.     fight diseases

d.    All of these

Answer: d

4. Choose the correct option

Which of the following animals live under water?

a.    Sparrow

b.    Fish

c.     Star

d.    Human beings

Answer: b

5.   Choose the correct option

Which of the following are found in our surroundings?

a.    House

b.    Park

c.     Road

d.    All of these

Answer: d

6.   Choose the correct option

Which of the following does not release smoke while moving?

a.    Boat

b.    Scooter

c.     Truck

d.    Car

Answer: a

7.   Choose the correct option

We should throw our waste in/on the ____.


b. Floor

c. Dustbin

d. Bed

answer :c

8. Which practice should be followed to keep water bodies clean?

a.    Not washing clothes

b.    Not throwing garbage

c.     Not allowing animals to have their bath

d.    All of these

Answer: d

9. Choose the correct option

We should not play with

a.    Football

b.    Toys

c.     Knife

d.    Paper boat

Answer: c

10.                       Choose the correct option

We should not touch a/an____ when it is hot.

a.    Scissors

b.    Knife

c.     Iron

d.    Football

Answer: c

11.                       Choose the correct option

Which statement is not true about safety measures on road?

a.    We should walk on the footpath.

b.    We should never walk on road.

c.     We should play on road.

d.    We should always look left and right before crossing the road

Answer: b

12.                       Choose the correct option

The people who keep us safe in the school is

a. Policeman

b. Teacher

c. Army men


13. We should cross the road on

a.    Zebra crossing

b.    Tiger crossing

c.     White crossing

d.    Red crossing

Answer: a

B. State whether the statement is true or false.                   (1 x 5 = 5)

1.    State whether the following statements are true or false.

We should keep our school neat and clean. _____

Answer: True

2.    State whether the following statements are true or false.

During Eid, we decorate Christmas trees and sing Christmas carols. _____

Answer: False

3.    State whether the following statements are true or false.

Sleeping at night keeps us fresh._____

Answer: True

4.    State whether the following statements are true or false.

Water gets polluted due to throwing of garbage into water._____

Answer: True

5.    State whether the following statements are true or false.

I should talk to strangers._____

Answer: False


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