Periodic Assessment-II

Class: 7

                Subject: Science                      M.M.  30                                   Set: A 

General Instructions:

The question paper has 10 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.

 Section ‘A’ carries 10 marks.

 Section ‘B’ carries 8 marks.

 Section ‘C’ carries 12 marks.

● Draw clean diagram where necessary.


Q.1 Fill in the blanks.                                     1×5=5

a)      Presence of starch is tested with the help of ___________.

b)      Chewing of food is a ___________ process.

c)       __________ are used to test acidic or basic nature of solution.

d)      __________ is a process of rearing of silkworm.

e)      Temperature of a day is measured with ________ thermometer.

Q.2 Give answers of very short answer type questions.                           1×5=5

a)      What is the average temperature of healthy human body?

b)      Define crystal.

c)       Name the instrument used to measure humidity.

d)      Name the dead organic matter which makes the soil fertile.

e)      Name the instrument used to measure the speed of wind.

  Section-B                             2×4=8

Give answers of short answer type questions:

Q.3 Why do living organisms need energy and where does this energy come from?

Q.4 What is the importance of sweating?

Q.5 A simple pendulum takes 32 seconds to complete 20 oscillations .What is the time period of the                          pendulum?


      The distance between two stations is 240km .A train takes 4 hours to cover this distance .Calculate the speed of the train.

Q.6 Describe the different methods of asexual reproduction.

Sectio- C                                 3×4=12

Give the answers of Long answer type questions:

Q.7 Sketch the reproductive parts of flower and label it.


       State the main differences between asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction.

Q.8 Draw graph to show the following:

a)      uniform motion

b)      non uniform motion

c)       body at rest

Q.9 Describe three safety measures which people in cyclone prone areas should take.

Q.10 Mention the adaptations found in the following animal:

a)      polar bear

b)      camel


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