




Tick the correct option.

1.       We go to school to

    1. Study
    2. Sleep
    3. Play cricket


2.       In school, we learn music in_____________.

    1. Classroom
    2. Library
    3. Music room

3.        Food gives us energy to……….

a.    grow

b.    work

c.     All of these

4.        Which of the following is obtained from plants?

a.    Milk

b.    Mango

c.     Air


   5. A fruit that starts with letter C:

a.    Coconut

b.    Curd

c.     Cabbage


6.        We celebrate our birthday on the day on which we

a.    Born

b.    start going school

c.     start walking


7.        Which festival is related to Light?

a.    Diwali

b.    Holi

c.     Gurupurab


8.        We celebrate our birthday on the day on which we

a.    Born

b.    start going school

c.     start walking


9.        Which festival is related to Light?

a.    Diwali

b.    Holi

c.     Gurupurab


10.    We celebrate our Independence Day on

a. 1st January

b. 14th November

c. 15th August


11.    Which colour is present in rainbow?

a. Black

b. White

c. Green


12.   Which of the following is directly obtained from the Sun?

a.    Water

b.    Air

c.     Light


13.   Which is a healthy food?

a.    Burger

b.    Fruits

c.     Cutlets


14. Which of the following games will keep you physically fit?

a.    Cricket

b.    Ludo

c.     Computer games



   15.   Food help us to

a. grow

b. fight diseases

c. All of these

16.   Which of the following animals live under water?

a.       Sparrow

b.      Fish

c.       Star


17.    Which of the following are found in our surroundings?

a.       House

b.      Park

c.       Road


18.    We should not touch a/an____ when it is hot.

a.       Scissors

b.      Knife

c.       Iron


19.    Which statement is not true about safety measures on road?

a.       We should walk on the footpath.

b.      We should never walk on road.

c.       We should play on road.


20.    The people who keep us safe in the school is

a. Policeman

b. Teacher

c. Army men


Answer the following questions in one word

1. What do we carry to school?

2. Where should we cross the road?

3. Who teach us in school?

4. How many hours should we sleep to remain?

5. Name the festival  that is related to colour.

6. Name the festival that is related to colour

7.Name the object that twinkle at night in the sky.

8. where do we throw the garbage?

9. What meal we should never skip?

10. When do we celebrate republic day?

11. How many colours are there in rainbow?

12. Write the name of a healthy food?

13. write the name of a place that found in our surrounding.


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