
Practice Paper | Class 1 | EVS



Sub: EVS

Half  Yearly Examination



Practice Paper | Class 1 | EVS


Time- 40 Minutes                                                                                                Total Marks - 40




Section A carries 1 mark for each question.

Section B carries 2 marks for each question.


                                                                              SECTION A

Choose the correct option for the given statements:                                                             1x10=10

1.       Who is not your family member?

                                                               i.      Father

                                                             ii.      Mother

                                                            iii.      Brother

                                                           iv.      Friends

2.       Which statement is true about window?

i.           It allows sunlight.

ii.          It allows air to pass through it.

iii.         Both of them

iv .        None of them


    1. Our father's father is our…………….

                                                               i.      Grandfather

                                                             ii.      Grandmother

                                                            iii.      Uncle

                                                           iv.      Cousin


4.       A watchman fits and repairs all electrical things ______________.

                                                               i.      True

                                                             ii.      False


    1. Our brothers and sisters are also called

                                                               i.      Friends

                                                             ii.      Siblings

                                                            iii.      Cousins

                                                           iv.      Classmates

6.       We should keep our school neat and clean __________.

                                                               i.      True

                                                             ii.      False

    1. A family with father, mother and children is called a

                                                               i.      Big family

                                                             ii.      Small family

                                                            iii.      both of them

                                                           iv.      none of them

8.       There are swings and slides in school library __________.

                                                               i.      True

                                                             ii.      False


    1. How many toes do you have in your both feet:

                                                               i.      2

                                                             ii.      5

                                                            iii.      10

                                                           iv.      6

10.    A teacher teaches us how to………

                                                               i.      Reading , writing , drawing , singing , dancing etc

                                                             ii.      Fighting, abusing, teasing, snatching, etc

                                                            iii.      None of these


Choose the correct option for the following statements:                                              2x15=30

11.  A house Should have………….

i. Door, window, wall, balcony

ii. Rat ,dust , lizard ,cockroach

iii. none of these


12. Our nose helps us to……………..

i. smell flowers, food , perfume

ii. smell music, walk ,dance

iii. none of these


13. Choose the correct series of match the following:

1. doctor                                               a. post office

2. Fireman                                            b. Police Station

3. Teacher                                            c. Hospital

4. Policeman                                        d. School

5. postman                                           e. Fire station

i.   1-c, 2-e, 3-d, 4-b, 5-a

ii.  1-d, 2-e ,3-a ,4-b ,5-c

iii. 1-a ,2-c ,3-e ,4-b ,5-d


14. Choose the correct series of match the following:

1. Classroom                    a. drum

2. library                           b.blackboard

3. Music room                 c. books

4. play ground                 d. foot ball

i. 1-a ,2-d ,3-b ,4-c

ii. 1-b ,2-c ,3-a ,4-d

iii. 1-a ,2-b ,3-c ,4-d

15. Choose the correct series of match the following:

1. parents                                            a. father’s father

2. grandfather                                    b. mother and father

3. Uncle                                                c. mother’s brother

4. Aunt                                                 d. father’s sister

i. 1-a, 2-c, 3-d, 4-b

ii. 1-c, 2-d ,3-c ,4-a

iii.1-b ,2-a ,3-c ,4-d


16. Choose the correct series of match the following:

1. Smell                                                    a. ear

2. See                                                        b. tongue

3. Hear                                                     c. nose

4. Taste                                                    d. eyes

i.  1-c ,  2-d ,3-a ,4-b

ii. 1-b , 2-a ,3-d ,4-c

iii. 1-a , 2-b ,3-c ,4-d


17. Choose the following body parts that found in pair:

i. nose, mouth, tongue, teeth

ii. stomach, finger, toe, heart

iii. leg ,hand ,eye, ear


18. choose the correct statements:

i. our brothers and sisters are called siblings.

ii. our uncle’s children are called cousin

iii. both of them


19. Which is not true about a family:

i. family members care for each other

ii. family members fight with each other

iii. we feel safe in a family


20. Find out the people who do not work in school:

i. teacher and principal

ii. librarian and bus driver

iii. police man and post man


21. Find out the things that you do not carry to school:

i. toys,sticks,video game

ii. school bags, books, pencil box

iii. both of them


22. Riya fell down while playing. She should go to ___________

i. Clinic or hospital

ii. police station or house

iii. cobbler or plumber


23. Read the statements given below and find correct answer.


a) Shelly wants to make a dress. So she should go to a tailor/teacher.

b) Raman teaches us English. He is a teacher/electrician

c) In the school library/playground there are many books arranged in shelves.


choose correct answers:

i.                     a) tailor (b) teacher (c ) library

ii.                   a) teacher  (b) electrician  (c) playground

iii.                  a)    a and b both


24. Choose the wrong statement for our body:

i. legs help us to walk and run

ii. stomach help us to digest food

iii. Toes help us to hold a pen






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