
class 1 computer mcq

Class :1

Half Yearly Examination

Subject- Computer                                            Time: 1 Hour                                                                                                 Marks: 25

A.       Tick the correct option

1.         Computer is a machine.

a)        Natural                                                                       

b)        Man-made                                                                               

c)         Primary

2.         Machines work very _______

a)        Slow                                                                            

b)        fast                                                                                                              

c)         middle

3.         Machine run on.

a)        Fuel                                                                                             

b)        coal                                                                                                              

c)         electricity

4.         Machines save our ---------

a)        Time                                                                            

b)        food                                                                                                            

c)         water

5.         Computer can be used to

a)        Draw                                                                           

b)        dance                                                                                         

c)         shout

6.         Which of this is not a machine?

a)        Cycle                                                                           

b)        paper                                                                                          

c)         car

7.         Computer placed on a table is known as

a)        Desktop                                                                     

b)        laptop                                                                                         

c)         palmtop

8.         Computer does not get

a)        Energy                                                                        

b)        tired                                                                                            

c)         strength

9.         It is used to print on a paper

a)        Monitor                                                                     

b)        printer                                                                                        

c)         mouse

10.     It is used to display data

a)        Mouse                                                                       

b)        speaker                                                                                     

c)         monitor

11.     What do you use to type?

a)        Mouse                                                                       

b)        keyboard                                                                                  

c)         speaker

12.     Keyboard has many

a)        Locks                                                                           

b)        keys                                                                                                            

c)         switches

13.     ______ is not a part of computer

a)        CPU                                                                                             

b)        mouse                                                                                        

c)         car

14.     We can watch_________ on a computer

a)        Cartoon                                                                     

b)        Store                                                                                           

c)         numbers

15.     Computer is used for teaching various subject in

a)        Hospital                                                                     

b)        bank                                                                                            

c)         school

16.     Computer is used in railways for

a)        Reservation                                                             

b)        preparation                                                                              

c)         observation

17.     Doctor use computer

a)        Diagnosis of diseases                           

b)        play games                                                                               

c)         listen music

18.     How many alphabets are there on a keyboard?

a)        15

b)        20

c)         26

19.     Caps lock key is used to type in ______ letters.

a)        Capital                                                                        

b)        small                                                                                           

c)         toggle

20.     _________ arrow keys are there in a keyboard      

a)        3

b)        2

c)         4

21.     Which key is used to erase letters from the left of cursor.

a)        Enter key                                                  

b)        Spacebar key                                                                           

c)         backspace key

22.     Which key moves the cursor up.

a)        Up arrow                                                                   

b)        down arrow                                                                             

c)         left arrow

23.     Which key adds space between the letters and words.

a)        Spacebar                                                                   

b)        backspace                                                                 

c)         caps lock

24.     A black box attached to the computer is known as _____

a)        Mouse                                                                       

b)        keyboard                                                                                  

c)         CPU

25.     UPS gives _______ to the computer.

a)        Electricity                                                  

b)        power                                                                                        

c)         energy


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